Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Toddler Troubleshooting

Having trouble reading with your toddler? Here are some common toddler reading issues and what to do about them:

1. My toddler destroys books! Don't worry. Mine did too. Stick with board books when your children are touching the books. Chances are if they are really good at ripping they'll rip those too. Just keep taping them. Don't give up. Read the books with regular paper pages while your children are sitting in their highchairs or are at the table. They will still enjoy them without you having to fear the damage.

2. My toddler doesn't sit still to read. Don't give up. Choose one book that has something they really enjoy in it (trains, Minnie Mouse, monkeys, etc.). Have them sit in your lap and show them the pictures. Talk about the pictures. Ask them questions. Ask them to find certain pictures. It will lead to reading the book. It may not happen in the first setting. It may take a few times. You can also do this when they are done eating, but are still in their highchair. A personal touch could help too. Show them family photo albums and tell stories about the pictures. 

3. My toddler only likes to look at the pictures. Talk about the pictures. Make up a very short story about the pictures. You don't have to read the words to tell them a story. Eventually, they will sit for the story. Sometimes it just takes time to get familiar with the book. Again, don't give up. 

4. My toddler wants to read the same book over and over and over again. Read the book over and over again. They'll develop vocabulary, make connections, and enjoy their time with you!

If you are struggling fitting reading into your busy schedule, check out this post: Too Busy to Read? Let's Talk.  Do you have any other road blocks to reading? Comment below. Do you have other ideas on getting past your toddler reading issues? Comment below. Let's help each other.

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